Is all in one the future?

Hey friends,

Was wondering recently about the tendency of technology, to lean into having many features all in one device/subscription. Your phone can now do everything: from calling to texting to read books and the list keeps expanding each day more. Of course it’s impossible to deny the advantages of having one device that does it all, but I was asking myself: where will this lead us in a few years? Will we have a platform where everything is in it? Or things will go back to being split and sorted?

💻 Tech stuff

Resident evil 4 remake, Death Stranding and Assassin’s creed Mirage. If I tell you those games, you’re probably thinking of a console like a PS5 or a PC. Well, think again.

On 18/09/23 Apple announced that those games and more are coming to the new iPhones 15 Pros, thanks to their new and improved chips A17 Pro. Which will mean, that any iPhone 15 users will be able to play triple A games on their mobile device, maybe by pairing a controller to it.
The question here lays easy: will gamers be happy about it? I personally think yes; I feel enthusiastic that cool games will become more mainstream for anyone to play, inviting more software houses to develop more interesting games for Apple platforms.
That said though, are we gonna pay 60£ for a game that will be played only on a 6.1 or 6.7 inches screen? Are we gonna see Apple Arcade starting to compete with other games subscription like Xbox pass? Who knows.
I am not sure I will abandon my PS5 to play on my iPhone yet.

📱 App of the week

Flow is an amazing app to boost your productivity. If you like me have difficulty to stay focused on one task at a time, this app is for you. It’s simple: a timer is set for 25 minute of work, study or focus. Every 25 minute, a 5 minute break timer starts when we can stretch our legs or sip a coffee. After 4 cycles of 25 minutes and 5, a longer break of 30 minutes is present for us to snack or just nap around.
I had underestimated the power of having a clock on your head while working, but I have to admit I was wrong. My productivity went way up and staying focused for batches of 25 minute is great to don’t get too hang up on something, while giving the right time to learn or finish a task or two.
For the more curious people, this app is based on the Pomodoro technique developed in the ‘80s.

📚 Book of the week

On the same topic of productivity, the book of the week is Atomic Habits by James Clear. Let me tell you, this book is truly amazing for one simple reason: it’s a hands on book. It gives enough theory and mentions a lot of scientists that the author quoted to craft the book, but apart from that it’s really a manual. I listened to it as, of course, we’re busy people.
What stuck with me the most, is the concept of smaller changes that with time will make big changes; or as the author quoted: “time magnifies changes”.
Anyway, hope you will give it a read and if you do, of course let me know 😃.

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